Its closest modern equivalent would be the letter z. Ss Straif, is the 14th letter in the ogham alphabet. So, why does the blackthorn have such a dark reputation? Blackthorn guarded by unfriendly fairies

The berries, leaves and bark of the tree are said to stimulate metabolism, clean the blood, heal stomach upsets and disperse toxins from the body. Sloe berries can be very carefully picked during October, after a frost, and used to make sloe gin, a mixture of sloes, sugar and gin left to mature for nearly three months to be enjoyed as a yule tide treat. It is a haven for birds such as the, now rare, nightingale who find protection amongst the tree’s long thorns. The blackthorn is often associated with overcoming obstacles for a better future or protection and hope in the midst of devastation. The Origins of the Ogham alphabet are still a mystery for many historians, but it is primarily thought to be an early form of the Irish written Language. Ogham, the mysterious language of the trees