After downloading the free demo, you’ll receive an email (via the email address associated with your Nintendo Account). The Splatoon 3: Splatfest World Premiere demo is available to download for free through the Nintendo Switch eShop. Worldwide Start Times for the Splatfest are (8/27) 9AM PST / 1 PM EST / 5 PM BST / 6 PM CEST / 9AM (8/28) JST.However, from 3PM to 9PM, you'll be introduced to a brand new Splatfest battle style: Tricolor Turf Wars, which plays in a 4v2v2 format. On August 27th, the 12-hour demo portion will begin, and from 9AM to 3PM PST, you'll be able to fight against one team at a time to bring victory to your chosen side. Starting on August 25th, anyone will be able to download the demo and learn the basics before strolling around the online hub - then pick a team to represent for the first Tri-color Splatfest: Rock, Paper, or Scissors.